Wednesday 9 December 2009

I'm a rockstar!

I went to see the great Alica Cooper a few days ago and had a brilliant time. It's not the first time I have seen him live but he never fails to entertain. Where else does the singer get decapitated before rising form the dead only to be hanged? All this theatre and he sings amazing catchy dark and political songs to boot!

After the show (and a LOT of Jack Daniels) my friend and I decided were were too hyper to go home so we went to a local club where they were holding a Punk-Rock Karaoke night with a live band! With my drink and rock addled brain I decided 'what the Hell' and got up to sing. I should know better really. I did try to sing at the same club night a couple of years ago and failed miserably. The set up isn't what most are used to. No screen just a laminated copy of the lyrics, your on a real stage with a real band (who I might add are bloody brilliant!) with a couple of hundred sweaty drunk and over excited rockers staring at you willing you to be entertaining (by being awful).

I was awful!

The band started and I suddenly realised that a live band is very loud up close and I realised that to be heard even with a microphone I would have to be very loud indeed. I bottled it and in my cowardice pretty much mimed the whole song (by Hole) and skulked off stage in acute shame.

This time was oh so different!

I got on the stage dimly remembering my last horrific experience and decided there and then that even if I was out of tune I would belt out my number (sweet Child of mine by GnR) at top volume. And I am so glad I did! As soon as I heard my voice ringing out clearly above the (not quiet) band I knew I had nailed it. I was in tune I knew the song well and had a brilliant and exhilarating 3 minutes! I even got the high long notes. OK I'm not Axl Rose but for a woman with no singing training and a skinful of JD I didn't sound bad at all. The man who runs the club night looked shocked, I think he was expecting a comical cock up, then grinned slapped me on the back and told me bloody well done as I clambered off the stage. And people clapped some even cheered! I loved it. Now I know why people want to be rock stars! Another woman (apparently a real singer) did the same song later in the evening (or was it morning by then?) and was good but I have decided I was better as I was louder. Others told me so as well. And all arrogance aside I think they were telling the truth. Don't get me wrong I'm not going to sign up for x-factor but by Crikey and all that is unholy what a brilliant, euphoric and surreal experience I had that night.

I'm so going to have another go next month!

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