Thursday 24 September 2009

My first ever Blog

Well here I am finally sampling the delights of Blogdom. What am I supposed to write? How often? who will read it if anyone?

Well who cares really I have be informed by others that it's 'cathartic' or something to write down the personal trivia of your life for the world to see so I'm having a go.

I suppose I should start by explaining a bit about myself? I'm currently 28 and live in the UK and I'm female.

Not enough?

OK then, my interests are fairly normal I think with the occasional foray into wierd and a sprinkling of geeky (although not in the Computerish sense). Im a LARPer which means Live Action Role Play for the uninitiated, and no, its nothing to do with sex! It's more of a game of playacting for grownups with added violence and silly costumes. The group I LARP with are based on a Dungeons and Dragony type scenario with its very own countries currencies made up races and languages. Yes geek hell but a bloody good laugh!

I also like to read although my reading matter has been descibed as slightly mismatched by my partner who is far more at home with good old SciFi and the local paper. I skip from girly romantic/historical fiction to scientific essays and then on to modern philosophy although not always with ease. I like stories and read fiction constantly (I have been accused of escapism) but also love to learn and argue a point.

My current literary obsession is Richard Dawkins. I am a non-believer in all kinds of religion so when the God Delusion was released I lapped it up reaffirming all the things I (dont?) believe and findingout to my sheer joy that I AM NOT ALONE! I have been reading his other books (less easy going) and have started on the likes od Daniel Dennet and Christopher Hitchens as well. You will probably find me expressing my antitheist view on this blog so if you are of the God-Bothering persuasion you might not like me but hey ho.

Anyway I'm supposed to be working

Thus endeth the first Blog

1 comment:

I welcome comments but please keep it clean in case any children read them