Monday 28 September 2009

I see wierd people

It's most definitely Autumn today isn't it? I woke up with the usual semi-suicidal Monday feeling and realised very quickly that it was BLOODY FREEZING! I had to wear a coat and I am feeling fat and hormonal so overall not the best start to the day.

But it got worse...

I have an admission. I smoke. Yes I know its unhealthy and I probably smell like stale smoke but there you go, I smoke.
I have a ciggie break in the morning usually around half ten and today was no exception. I left the building settled into a bench lit up and there I sat contemplating Life, the Universe and Everything until my weirdo turned up.

Yes I attract strange people. Why? No idea, maybe they see a kindred spirit or a good listener but either way they always. ALWAYS find me. This particular man has been lurking around our building for a few weeks and at least twice a week accosts me for cigarettes or a 'bit of a chat'. He generally sits on my bench smokes my cigarette (I know I shouldn't but he might get agitated if I don't give him one) and proceeds to explain how he is Schizophrenic, used to be a woman in another life, is racist but only in his head 'cos I know it's wrong' and (used?) to be an alcoholic.

Yes it's nerve racking and uncomfortable and no-one comes over to rescue me not a one despite the fact that it's usually the same fellow staff members smoking outside.

I do feel a bit sorry for him after all if he does have some kind of mental health issue it's not necessarily his fault but that doesn't make it less weird for me to be sitting smoking nodding and smiling in a (hopefully) friendly and non-provoking manner to a man who has told me repeatedly that the 'used to be violent'.

Maybe I should give up smoking

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