Friday 25 September 2009

Jack Daniels and the epileptic

OK. So I emailed my partner all excited to tell him I started a blog as he suggested and waited for his fulsome praises and wonder at my literary mastery only to get the terse reply that I had made two typos. Is that it? And people wonder why the divorce rate is so high!

Anywho enough self pity. I had a great evening last night as an old friend called out of the blue asking if I wanted a drink after work, his shout, at a local pub. Of course I needed my arm twisting ever so slightly but being the generous creature I am accepted his invitation. So here I am just starting work with a Jack Daniels induced hangover and a feeling of general friendliness towards my fellow humans for their generosity. I love spontaneous meetings like that they always seem to be so much more fun than planned events.

I did of course get told off by him-at-home for drinking on a work night and skipping dinner but I tried to explain the urgency of the situation as I haven't seen this friend for months. He grumbled but seemed OK in the end. I did wonder if I would be given a lecture about the fact I have epilepsy and the drinking/not eating combo but he didn't go there.

I didn't mention that before did I? Well I have epilepsy, diagnosed when I was 15 (thus ending my attempt at GCSEs at School due to medication issues) which has plagued me ever since. I do seem to have enough periods of calm to get on with things mostly but it's a real pain in the proverbial the rest of the time.

I did manage to get some GCSEs in the end and then some A-Levels later and I do have a job but it has caused bouts of sickness which have really got in the way of complete normality. The worst times are the times when I have a fit at work or out and about as it tends to freak people out who haven't seen such a thing before. I suppose seeing a slightly overweight goth fall down then start dribbling and twitching can be an unusual experience but believe me I am usually more concerned than you! I do take medication but it hasn't been that successful in recent years. They have changed it many times and I have suffered many bouts of nasty side effects as a result but they best they have been able to manage so far is to lessen the frequency and severity of the fits which is nothing to sneeze at I suppose.

Anyway I'm sure you have better things to do than read about an epileptic wierdo bloggerso go and do them.

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