Wednesday 14 April 2010

Justice for all? (Warning contains ranting)

Well isn't that a turn up for the books. Yet another huge story of child rape and cover ups from the Vatican. I REALLY hope Richard Dawkins and Chistopher Hitchens get their way and arrest the creature known as the Pope and bring him and his cohorts to the trial they so deserve.

I have heard a lot of people whining on about how Dawkins and Hitchens are just using this recent turn of events as a way of bashing religion but seriously get the big picture here people. There are kids being raped and scarred for life by sadistic and perverted men who use their authority to get away with it and in turn get their crimes covered up so as not to 'embarrass' their institution. The current Pope helped to cover up these atrocious acts and has even asked for leniency for the poor old men who performed them. What about the poor young children defiled and injured by these same poor old men? Its easy to accuse Dawkins etc of using this story as a lever for their views but what it actually shows is that maybe, just maybe their views are correct and this is proof that religion especially the nasty dogmatic Catholic one is harmful. Has it occurred to anyone that these men may actually care about the children they are trying to support?

I fully support these men in their attempt to bring to justice men who have for no reason other than hysterical Bronze Age superstition have been allowed by the rest of the world to get away with such disgusting crimes. Anyone else in the modern West would have to stand trial for such atrocity but a Cardinal? The Pope? NO! They are immune to justice and why? Because we let them! If we just stopped and looked at ourselves we would realise that we are all guilty of letting this happen with the idiotic idea of 'respect' for religious figures where they somehow become above the law and even make the law itself. People earn respect they do not automatically get it for being in a position of authority especially if their authority is based on out dated, immoral and factually incorrect teachings.

Arrest the Pope and all those within the Catholic church who have hurt or covered up the hurt of children and send them to trial and prove we are the rational modern creatures we so want to believe we are.

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