Tuesday 20 October 2009

Debate in London

I have been mega busy so apologies for taking ages to update.

I went to a debate last night in Westminster and had a fantastic time especially since it was obvious that 'my side' completely trounced the others!

The motion was 'Catholicism is a force for good in the world' and speaking for the motion were Archbishop Onaiyekan (of Abuja, Nigeria) and Ann Widdecombe, speaking against were Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry. Needless to say I was rooting for Hitchens and Fry.

They all stated their argument in turn for and against and then the audience were invited to ask questions. Unfortunately (and this includes my side) many people seemed to misunderstand the term 'question' and used the time to preach and make statements that missed the point and wasted the time which could have be used to clarify the arguments for and against. The debaters then all made a closing statement.

I have to say of all the people speaking I didn't expect Stephen Fry to be the one to raise his voice but he did to Ann Widdecombe who bravely tried to make a good case but ultimately failed. The Bishop was completely useless giving excuses and stumbling over his case which was mostly that the Catholic Church is involved in charity so it must be good! Ann Widdecombe was more useful to her cause but still skirted the issue of condoms in African countries and even stated that they would not help at all even if the church did not condemn the use of such barrier contraceptives. Silly woman. For an educated erudite and intelligent woman she really has bought into the whole dogma of the church. She accused Hitchens of dwelling on the past as if history doesn't matter which pretty much sums up the state of the Catholic church. Of course it matters. How can she in all conscience be a member of an organisation which has routinely murdered, lied, stolen and abused children for so long?

She also disliked Hitchens' point that the Church despite it being none of their business are obsessed with sex and how it should (and should not) be performed. She countered by saying that Hitchen's himself was the one obsessed with such things which he admitted he was in the natural mammalian way of all of his kind, touche! I have to agree with Hitchens onthis as if the Church is not obsessed with sex as Ann Widdecmbe states, why does it have so many prohibitions around the subject? Its about power and she does not seem to know or care about it.

Anyway rant over. A good time was had and if you want to find out more about the event google it. The name of the organisation holding it is 'intelligence squared' and the debate was on Mon 19 Oct 2009. I thinks it's going to be aired on TV as well around the 7/8 November 2009.

tatty bye

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