Friday, 15 January 2010

Weddings, Snow and Mother Theresa

Yet again its been ages since I last posted but that's not very surprising since I have been so busy. I have finally booked my wedding! The whole thing does seem a bit of a pain in the proverbial for one day but I suppose it needs organising by someone with some common sense (not my partner).

The wedding, the reception and the catering is booked so far so not bad going really.

In other news it's snowed where I live and we have had a nightmare trying to get around. I missed 3 days of work (no way I'm actually walking!) and subsequently lost 3 days of pay which was nice. Why do people like snow so much? Its only pretty for oh about 5 minuted until people walk and drive on it and it degenerates into an icky grey mush which sticks to everything and ruins your shoes. The icy conditions left me rather fed up and miserable. Roll on Summer! At least the horrible stuff has mostly melted now. We better not get any more this year! The downside of being an atheist is the inability to blame a deity or pray for help in these situations. At least I can console myself with the fact that as a natural phenomenon its not 'punishing' us for imagined though crimes in the way that some have claimed for other natural occurrences (admittedly far far worse and calamitous).

I have been reading again folks and I am happy to say that Christopher Hitchens book 'The Missionary Position' about the fraud that was Mother Theresa is very enlightening. Did you ever wonder why with all the millions of charity donations the wizened old crow received she rarely actually helped the poor? She kept them poor and even tried to persuaded them to be grateful for their plight (apparently being poor, downtrodden and miserable is holy) and to remember their place in the grand scheme of her imagined universe. Despite being begged to give decent medical care to many of her flock she refused and actively made a point of making her own followers and charity workers (mostly honest decent people) live in austere conditions which she claimed somehow made their work better. Now I understand the avoidance of worldly wealth and its often dehumanising effect but a decent bed and clothing isn't so outrageous is it? She did all this not because she actually wanted to aid the poor but because she wanted to 'become immortal' by inventing a religious philosophy and dogma to live by. And don't even get me started on her views about contraception and abortion. Anyone who claims authority to give a moral code regarding that most natural of behaviours, sex, should at least have some knowledge and experience of the subject matter. An old virgin brainwashed by fanatical nonsense is not that person. The very fact that she regarded contraception as a grievous sin and persuaded others of this actually makes the situation of those she claimed to help even worse. She would rather a woman died in childbirth or starved with her large family because she cannot afford to feed her children than let her take a tiny pill which aids her in choosing when and how often she conceives. You must remember that most of these people live in a theocracy which states the woman is the property or at least subservient to the man and as such has no choice in abstaining from the sexual act. What a tangled web we weave. Catch 22 I think!

Religion really does poison everything Christopher Hitchens is right in this assertion. I sincerely hope (and what is humanity if not hopeful) that we all wake up from this delusion and choose a more humanistic approach to Life, the Universe and Everything. Religion can only state black and white with regards to Morality (which has existed in my opinion for far longer than organised religion) and the reality is that everything is composed of grey areas. The intelligent ape that is the human can only choose which level of grey is most appropriate to the situation and act accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on Mother Theresa. I actually have a Christopher Hitchens site,, have a look.


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